Elective Egg Freezing

All you need to know about Egg Freezing

  • Egg freezing is a process allowing you to save your eggs for later use when you are ready to have a baby. It enables you to collect your eggs at a younger age, improving your chances of successfully giving birth in the future. There are different reasons why you would choose to freeze your eggs, including medical and personal reasons.

    Elective egg freezing is chosen by women who are not yet prepared to have children or who are dealing with life circumstances that make it difficult to conceive during their optimal fertility years. These circumstances can include being suddenly single after a long-term relationship, facing financial uncertainty, or being at the start of a new relationship.

    By freezing your eggs, you can delay starting a family while still having the option to use your younger, healthier eggs when you are ready to become a mother. This gives you more control over your reproductive plans and eases worries about declining fertility as you age.

    In Singapore, egg freezing is allowed for medical reasons, and starting from 1st July 2023, elective egg freezing will also be allowed for women aged 21-37. It is important to consult with your doctor and a fertility counsellor to understand if egg freezing is a suitable option for you.

  • The egg freezing process involves a series of steps similar to those in in-vitro fertilisation (IVF). The woman will receive hormone injections for about two weeks to stimulate egg production. Regular ultrasound scans and blood tests are conducted to monitor progress. Once the eggs are mature, a final injection is given, and the eggs are collected while under mild sedation (or general anaesthesia in exceptional cases). The eggs are then evaluated by an embryologist, and the mature ones are rapidly frozen using a technique called vitrification.

    After talking to your doctor, you will have a clearer idea of how many eggs you should freeze to improve your chances of achieving a successful live birth to 80%.ere

  • Egg freezing offers women a chance to conceive in their later years. However, it comes with risks and there is no guarantee of success. The risk of miscarriage after egg freezing is determined by the age of the woman at the time the eggs were frozen. Women above 36 years old have a significantly lower rate of embryo development, and generally face a higher chance of a miscarriage due to older eggs. Emotional support from one’s partner and loved ones are crucial during this phase.

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